The CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund (CIP-PSTF), Canada's national charity for the planning profession, is seeking jurors to serve on its Scholarship Jury and/or the Bursary Jury. Jurors must be from one of the following CIP membership categories: MCIP, Candidate, Pre-Candidate, or Retired. CIP-PSTF is also seeking two Jury Co-Chairs to serve on both of the juries.
Jurors shall serve two years from the date of their appointment. Jury terms are eligible for renewal twice, up to a maximum of six years.
CIP-PSTF jury members are expected to:
Understand the eligibility and evaluation criteria of each scholarship or bursary
Attend scheduled videoconference meetings – two to three per jury cycle
Review and score assigned applications through online evaluation software (Submittable)
Review all relevant documents assigned
Make recommendations to the CIP-PSTF Board of Directors for scholarship recipients and program amendments
Direct any inquiries regarding the jury’s decisions to the Jury Co-Chairs
Provide feedback on the scholarship application and review process
To submit your volunteer application, please complete and submit the online CIP-PSTF Expression of Interest Form by end of day on Friday, October 20, 2023. Questions can be directed to Hannah Whitworth at
2024 Scholarship Jury
The Scholarship Jury is responsible for reviewing and evaluating all eligible scholarship applications in accordance with the criteria established by the CIP-PSTF Board of Directors. The bulk of the jury's work takes place in February and March 2024, after the application deadline.
2024 Bursary Jury
The Bursary Jury is responsible for reviewing and evaluating all eligible bursary applications in accordance with the criteria established by the CIP-PSTF Board of Directors. The bulk of the jury's work takes place in October and November 2024, after the application deadline.
The Jury Co-Chairs shall be CIP members in good standing, and shall serve as Jury Co-Chairs for both the CIP-PSTF Scholarship Jury and the CIP-PSTF Bursary Jury. The Jury Co-Chairs will preside over meetings and assist with questions about the process. The co-chairs may request a vote where a decision cannot be achieved by consensus and in the event of a tie vote, the Co-Chairs of the jury shall cast the deciding votes. Please see the Reference Documents below for more information.
Time Commitment
The number of hours of work will depend on the number of eligible applications received.
Reference Documents